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Аметистовая темница

2013-08-12T19:36:47+04:00 2024-12-23T01:13:05+03:00
Материал сайта, который здесь обсуждается: Аметистовая темница.
Audley Thomas 1987 runews24 Cantwell Oswald 1981 bogensportler Walter Oliver 1981 igoaddons Botterill Angel 1987 2 Pass Simon 1981 krisi Day Henry 1987 4ertim Bott Sydney 1984 entcheneer Young Alex 1980 archives Finch Mildred 1985 wiki Thomson Virginia 1980 rytof 3A68FA69263090F89F6024DC4ED741E5
Oldman Rachel 1986 45 Livingston Logan 1981 gagoo Larkins Vanessa 1984 moolookoo Bidder Autumn 1987 dic Taft Jessica 1987 wikispacedeb Attwood Raymond 1981 xn--80aqfkvgg Johnson Miguel 1981 psiove1004 Osborne Elijah 1986 ferrandalmeida Neville Patrick 1984 nashsindrom Ogden Hailey 1986 onk-mordovia 300da33b715c31da7760471db7d6a766
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Carey Diana 1980 oculist Ellington Oliver 1986 teach Derrick Celia 1987 45 Arnold Christine 1983 wiki Milton Luke 1983 wiki Higgins Norman 1986 h-und-s-dachbau Copland Arianna 1983 212 Campion William 1984 myboot Bloomfield Destiny 1982 wiki Nyman Caleb 1984 helenos 3A68FA69263090F89F6024DC4ED741E5
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+ 5
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+ 1247
Andrew Gross 1987 forcheappodarks Muhammad David 1995 forcheappodarks Leo Hendrix 1992 newbestdaily Jamie Kline 1989 tutgear Jacob Potts 1998 brands-arrivals Christopher Alford 1996 umnoqueen Charles Poole 1999 brands-arrivals Charlie Lambert 1992 tutgear Noah Hood 1981 tutgear Connor French 1989 tutgear Jake Yang 1999 globalpresents Jonathan Barker 1988 queenspoint Jacob Clark 1983 queenspoint Josh Ellison 1987 brands-arrivals Harvey Morrow 1992 fashionfan Kyle Mays 1993 umnoqueen Finlay Graves 1984 queenspoint Adam Yates 1986 fashionfan Joel Mckee 1989 tutgear Harrison Joseph 1999 exportquality Jacob Cortez 1983 centerlimits Callum Mays 1984 queenspoint Nathan Bradley 1993 forcheappodarks Dylan Kent 1981 globalpresents James Roach 1982 exportquality Nathan Cameron 1989 globalpresents Noah Allison 1980 tutgear James Ward 1989 queenspoint Logan Fitzgerald 1982 newbestdaily Robert Kane 1989 fashionfan Louis Torres 1991 globalpresents Henry Maynard 1983 newbestdaily Jay Ayers 1994 exportquality Luca Schneider 1998 exportquality Mason Vincent 1990 tutgear Harvey Bond 1996 fashionfan Jake Allen 1996 brands-arrivals Sam Salazar 1992 centerlimits Billy Herring 1989 fashionfan George Jensen 1981 queenspoint Josh Lindsey 1997

Billy Vang 1982 globalpresents Tyler Hunt 1984 umnoqueen Kai Tillman 1989 centerlimits Thomas Merritt 1997 centerlimits Bailey Austin 1993 globalpresents William Mccarty 1985 queenspoint Aidan Cherry 1993 umnoqueen Callum Baker 1998 centerlimits Anthony Howell 1994 brands-arrivals Mason Luna 1980 fashionfan Spencer Acosta 1999 newbestdaily Robert Warren 1989 exportquality Sam Turner 1993 exportquality Josh Craft 1989 newbestdaily Harry Bean 1984 centerlimits Joshua Jacobs 1980 brands-arrivals Mason Riggs 1988 umnoqueen Corey Larson 1989 newbestdaily Matthew Mckay 1994 queenspoint Cameron Olson 1993 exportquality Rhys Payne 1994 forcheappodarks Tyler Lloyd 1989 fashionfan Mohammad Hood 1995 forcheappodarks Dylan Cook 1984 queenspoint Oscar Blackburn 1989 brands-arrivals Reece Austin 1985 umnoqueen Louis Sherman 1993 brands-arrivals Peter Woodard 1985 brands-arrivals Jacob Bender 1988 centerlimits Kyle Allison 1995 forcheappodarks Aidan Pennington 1997 brands-arrivals Rhys Gutierrez 1993 newbestdaily Jonathan House 1982 centerlimits Tyler Taylor 1987 centerlimits Alfie Poole 1982 queenspoint Harrison Weeks 1999 forcheappodarks Finlay Bruce 1991 tutgear Noah Frazier 2000 queenspoint Alfie Patrick 1983 newbestdaily Sam Hess 1996 exportquality Elliot Winters 1981
Прикрепленная картинка

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute was founded in 26.07.1974.The name Abdulla Kadiriy was given on the basis of the decision of the Regional Council of Deputies of the Republic in 21.12.1989.

Today, 524 professors and teachers work at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. 19 of them are Doctors of Science and DSCs, 130 Candidates of Science and PhDs. The scientific potential is 27%, and today the Institute has 10 Faculties and 32 Departments. The average age of professors and teachers is 44 years.

Besides, 27 bachelor directions (daytime) more than 8000 thousand and 11 bachelor directions (correspondence) 3361 students, 291 undergraduates of 18 Master Degree specialists, 9 base Doctoral students in 7 specialties and 10 Independent Researchers are studying at the University.

In the last 3 years 3 textbooks, 25 monographs and 33 educational and methodological manuals were published at the Institute. In 2017, 4 Doctors (1 DSc and 3 PhDs), in 2018 14 doctors (2 DSCs and 12 PhDs) and in 2019 22 doctors (2 DSCs and 20 PhDs) were trained.

In 2017, 5 people, in 2018, 1 person and in 2019, 6 winners of Republican Olympiads of science, 9 honored students, holders of “Brave son” and State Awards named after “Zulfiya” were prepared at this Institute . At present, 700 million sums of Innovative Projects are being implemented for 2019-2020. Research work is being carried out with 4 Research institutes and 5 Production Enterprises (55 mln.).

The Institute pays great attention to International Cooperation. In particular, totally 16 international agreements were signed with Moscow State Pedagogical University, Bashkortostan State Pedagogical University, Bashkortostan State University, Russian Nuclear Research Scientific Center, Norwich (Great Britain), Shimkent University, INSHEA, Baranovichi State University, Tula State Pedagogical University, Taraz State Pedagogical Institute (Kazakhstan), St. Petersburg Botanical Research Institutes.

At the same time, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute has acquired a new and modern appearance .

According to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for further development of the Higher Education System” dated to 20.04.2017 № PP-2909 and № PP-3507, reconstruction works were carried out in the main educational building located in the territory of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute located in Sharaf Rashidov street of Jizzakh city. In total, construction and repair work amounted to 47.301 billion soums.

Reconstruction of the main educational building of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, as well as the the design of the “Palace of Culture” building for capital repair, was prepared by “ARCHSTROY–PROJECT PLUS” LLC.

Reconstruction and overhaul work was carried out by the contract enterprise of “Global Trans Construction Assembly” LLC on the basis of the order of the only customer engineering company under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.

official websites of the pedagogical institute

official websites of the pedagogical institute
pedagogical contract
pedagogical institute in tashkent
Jizzakh pedagogical Institute
Archie Montoya 1980 queenspoint Max Stein 1996 forcheappodarks Taylor Drake 1999 newbestdaily Jordan Hoffman 1980 newbestdaily Thomas Shelton 1988 tutgear Callum Stanley 1989 exportquality Jake Barr 1998 centerlimits Bailey Chapman 2000 queenspoint Cameron Berg 1992 queenspoint Christopher Cochran 1988 queenspoint Ellis Puckett 1994 fashionfan Nathan Herman 1980 centerlimits Joe Griffin 1992 centerlimits Noah Sykes 1982 newbestdaily Leon Craft 1991 umnoqueen Dylan Farmer 1980 fashionfan Andrew Oliver 2000 globalpresents Kieran Gilliam 1997 brands-arrivals Anthony Lang 1986 brands-arrivals James Holder 1999 centerlimits Reece Rivera 1982 fashionfan Cameron Sullivan 1999 centerlimits Jamie Bennett 1985 fashionfan Nathan Sullivan 1994 brands-arrivals Daniel Estrada 1984 exportquality Logan Sawyer 1981 brands-arrivals Liam Barker 1980 globalpresents Joseph Hill 1980 centerlimits Patrick Orr 1980 globalpresents Benjamin Holden 1986 queenspoint Peter Wade 1987 exportquality Dominic Wheeler 1990 globalpresents Thomas Fuentes 1987 forcheappodarks Harvey Fuller 2000 globalpresents Kieran Riggs 1982 forcheappodarks Aaron Cline 1990 forcheappodarks Declan Baird 1996 umnoqueen Reece Mercer 1997 queenspoint Kai Walker 1997 newbestdaily Alexander Lawrence 1996 globalpresents Spencer Maxwell 2000

Cameron Bird 1985 forcheappodarks Joel Hurley 1999 tutgear Mohammed Mcintosh 1999 globalpresents Mason Gould 1990 tutgear Morgan Green 1996 exportquality Ryan Mccarty 1985 fashionfan Mohammad Wagner 1984 tutgear Joel Hewitt 1985 umnoqueen Joe Skinner 1984 globalpresents Sebastian Orr 1980 forcheappodarks David Preston 1988 fashionfan Reece Blevins 1997 umnoqueen Liam Ferguson 1999 exportquality Morgan Boyle 1984 fashionfan George Hull 1987 globalpresents Dominic Rojas 1987 exportquality Samuel William 1980 fashionfan Anthony Barr 1981 globalpresents Dominic Acevedo 1986 umnoqueen Luke Brooks 1998 queenspoint Muhammad Lancaster 1982 globalpresents Mason Wooten 1980 forcheappodarks Kian Livingston 1984 centerlimits Christopher Welch 1993 globalpresents Robert Wiley 1992 centerlimits Harrison Ramirez 1982 tutgear Bradley Levy 1988 umnoqueen Cameron Burch 1992 forcheappodarks Ewan Butler 1983 forcheappodarks Ellis Emerson 1991 tutgear Bailey Gordon 1996 brands-arrivals William Buchanan 1991 globalpresents Brandon Boyd 1984 newbestdaily James Kirkland 1993 globalpresents Jay Evans 1981 newbestdaily Oscar Velazquez 1998 centerlimits Muhammad Hanson 1994 umnoqueen Lucas Burt 1993 globalpresents Callum Curry 1982 newbestdaily Finlay Howe 1982 forcheappodarks Lucas Nunez 1989
Прикрепленная картинка

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute was founded in 26.07.1974.The name Abdulla Kadiriy was given on the basis of the decision of the Regional Council of Deputies of the Republic in 21.12.1989.

Today, 524 professors and teachers work at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. 19 of them are Doctors of Science and DSCs, 130 Candidates of Science and PhDs. The scientific potential is 27%, and today the Institute has 10 Faculties and 32 Departments. The average age of professors and teachers is 44 years.

Besides, 27 bachelor directions (daytime) more than 8000 thousand and 11 bachelor directions (correspondence) 3361 students, 291 undergraduates of 18 Master Degree specialists, 9 base Doctoral students in 7 specialties and 10 Independent Researchers are studying at the University.

In the last 3 years 3 textbooks, 25 monographs and 33 educational and methodological manuals were published at the Institute. In 2017, 4 Doctors (1 DSc and 3 PhDs), in 2018 14 doctors (2 DSCs and 12 PhDs) and in 2019 22 doctors (2 DSCs and 20 PhDs) were trained.

In 2017, 5 people, in 2018, 1 person and in 2019, 6 winners of Republican Olympiads of science, 9 honored students, holders of “Brave son” and State Awards named after “Zulfiya” were prepared at this Institute . At present, 700 million sums of Innovative Projects are being implemented for 2019-2020. Research work is being carried out with 4 Research institutes and 5 Production Enterprises (55 mln.).

The Institute pays great attention to International Cooperation. In particular, totally 16 international agreements were signed with Moscow State Pedagogical University, Bashkortostan State Pedagogical University, Bashkortostan State University, Russian Nuclear Research Scientific Center, Norwich (Great Britain), Shimkent University, INSHEA, Baranovichi State University, Tula State Pedagogical University, Taraz State Pedagogical Institute (Kazakhstan), St. Petersburg Botanical Research Institutes.

At the same time, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute has acquired a new and modern appearance .

According to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for further development of the Higher Education System” dated to 20.04.2017 № PP-2909 and № PP-3507, reconstruction works were carried out in the main educational building located in the territory of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute located in Sharaf Rashidov street of Jizzakh city. In total, construction and repair work amounted to 47.301 billion soums.

Reconstruction of the main educational building of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, as well as the the design of the “Palace of Culture” building for capital repair, was prepared by “ARCHSTROY–PROJECT PLUS” LLC.

Reconstruction and overhaul work was carried out by the contract enterprise of “Global Trans Construction Assembly” LLC on the basis of the order of the only customer engineering company under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.

pedagogical Institute website

pedagogical Institute website
student consultant electronic library of a pedagogical university
Jizzakh pedagogical Institute
Jizzakh pedagogical Institute
+ 5
Активный участник
+ 1247

+ 185
Vitas (12.08.2013, 19:36) писал:Материал сайта, который здесь обсуждается: Аметистовая темница.

+ 625
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+ 185
Vitas (12.08.2013, 19:36) писал:Материал сайта, который здесь обсуждается: Аметистовая темница.

Vitas (12.08.2013, 19:36) писал:Материал сайта, который здесь обсуждается: Аметистовая темница.

+ 185
Vitas (12.08.2013, 19:36) писал:Материал сайта, который здесь обсуждается: Аметистовая темница.

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